Monday, February 21, 2011

Timothy 6:10- The love of money is the root of all evil.

So apparently money is amoral. It has no morals meaning that it is neither good or bad. In the scriptures (Timothy 6:10) it doesn't say "money is the root of all evil" but "the love of money is the root of all evil". This is something important to remember as we start our careers and lives with our families (especially if we receive a high paying job) that the Lord is always first and that he wants us to be wise in our money matters.

Studies have found that after about five years of marriage the average couple begins to feel pinched in the pocketbook. They have little or no savings and start to get scared. The most common problem is simply a lack of knowledge of money and discipline.

Remember that money is active and the more that is in your bank account, the more interest you will get. If you hide your money in a case in your house it wont gather interest.

It is recommended that we build an emergency fund/savings of enough money to last 3 to 6 months on no income. For us that is about $3,000 in the bank. Now don't get scared. Some of you might not have any savings in the bank currently, but look at 2 posts ago and you will see how to develop this savings account and how just saving a small amount each month really adds up fast. Its kind of like building food storage, but with money.

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